Creating Digital Humans via Photogrammetry

It’s rare that I would call myself a photographer. I love photography, but also dislike it, ever since studying it, it’s been a strange relationship with the medium. My true love of art form is it’s versatility and flexibility. As digital and technology has taken over our lives and our jobs, photography seems to be able to stick to other mediums and adapt to advancements. And that is my true love of the medium.

When studying foundation art I would slice images up and weave them back together, print images in the dark room then cut them up and rescan them into a variety of different positions. It felt great to explore and create something new out of the medium. And now with the advancements of technology it feels like we are at a great time for photography, a time of exploration with the ability to blend worlds and create new things.

It’s exciting times for the future of photography and the above video is showing the creation of a human head out of 211 photographs using a photogrammetry technique.